CAKE meeting with T&E and FPPE

CAKE meeting with T&E and FPPE

On May 24th, 2024, CAKE had a networking meeting with the the representatives of Transport and Environment (T&E) and Electric Vehicles Promotion Foundation (FPPE).


The CAKE Team represented by Robert Jeszke, CEO of CAKE, Igor Tatarewicz, Expert in energy sector modelling and Aneta Tylka, Expert in Promotion had a chance to meet with  Marcin Korolec, Vice President of the Board and Stef Cornelis, Director Electric Fleets Programme from the Transport & Environment (T&E) and Przemysław Sobański, Expert z Electric Vehicles Promotion Foundation (FPPE).


During the meeting Stef Cornelis, (T&E)  presented the presentation titled: “How Poland can accelerate and untap the potential of e-mobility”.


The meeting was a great occasion to discuss the challenges concerning the transformation of the transport sector and faster electification, role of taxations and supporting measures,

car and batteries industry strategies in future design of climate policy on the way to achieving climate neutrality. We especially focused on the possibilities of reducing emissions from the transport sector which will be covered by the ETS2 with the social challenges and role of the Social Climate Fund.




More in the latest CAKE/KOBiZE analysis:

  VIIEW on EU ETS 2050: Exploring synergies between the EU ETS and other EU climate policy measures - carbon removal, hydrogen, and sectoral transport policy (3.3 MiB, 227 hits)

  Summary & Policy Recommendations (1.1 MiB, 137 hits)


 “GO2’50. Climate. Society.Economy”, where you can find more information on the ETS2 and its impact on households: 

  GO2'50.Climate.Society. Economy_No.4_2023 (4.8 MiB, 73 hits)


Thank you for inspiring discussion and possible future collaboration!



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