CAKE at the 11th Polish Chemistry Congress

CAKE at the 11th Polish Chemistry Congress

On June 7th, 2024 Robert Jeszke, head of the Climate and Energy Analysis Centre (CAKE) was present at the 11th Polish Chemistry Congress organized by the  Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry (PIPC).


Robert Jeszke gave a presentation entitled: ‘The road to climate neutrality: Key Economic and Industrial Challenges “,

which was based on the results of analyses carried out as part of the LIFE VIIEW 2050 project.

Robert Jeszke highlighted severalchallenges to climate neutrality during his presentation, including those related to:


  • the new 2040 emissions reduction target currently being negotiated in the EU;
  • the role of CO₂ sequestration, which will be a crucial factor in helping the EU reach its net-zero target by 2050;
  • The impact of the use of technology-neutral ‘removals’ in the energy sector on the EU ETS price level;
  • The huge investment needs in the context of achieving the net-zero target in industry;
  • The impact of the proposal for a new 2040 target on household consumption levels and GDP.


We would also like to draw your attention to our latest LIFE VIIEW 2050 analysis, which can be downloaded here:

  VIIEW on EU ETS 2050: Exploring synergies between the EU ETS and other EU climate policy measures - carbon removal, hydrogen, and sectoral transport policy (3.3 MiB, 263 hits)

  Summary & Policy Recommendations (1.1 MiB, 173 hits)






The agenda:

Further information about the Congress:


We would like to thank the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry for the invitation !



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