
Robert Jeszke – Project Coordinator

Heading the Strategy and Analysis Unit and the Centre for Climate and Energy Analyses (CAKE) in the National Centre for Emission Management (KOBiZE). Has 18 years of experience in the field of climate and energy policy and sustainable development, among others serving as a government expert, e.g during the negotiations of the EU Climate and Energy Package in 2008 and during its implementation in 2009-2019. Co-author of the architecture of the Kyoto Protocol based mechanism – the Green Investment Scheme (GIS) in Poland. Member of government delegation at COP14 & COP19, negotiating new international agreement on climate change within UNFCCC process. Polish national expert for evaluation of policies and measures nominated to the UNFCCC Roster of Experts. He participated in various workgroups, taskforces both at national and international level dealing with issues of environmental and climate policy, economy of climate change and carbon markets. Author and co-author of several publications dealing with the emissions trading and climate policy issues published both in national and international magazines.


Marta Rosłaniec – Project Assistant

Experienced specialist with a demonstrated history of working in the environmental services industry (Ecofys) and governmental administration (Ministry of Economy, Energy Department). Currently, the expert in Strategy, Analysis and Auction Unit at KOBiZE (IOŚ-PiB). Knowledgeable in supporting projects, also with external funding. Skilled in emission trading, policy analysis, energy, climate change and sustainable development. Graduated from Inter-faculty Study Programme in Environmental Protection at University of Warsaw. Scientific scholarship at the VU Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Internship at Institute for Environmental Studies in Amsterdam. Privately involved in pro bono work for the Association “Sosenka”, which aim is to provide care and development for children in local community.


Maciej Pyrka – Expert in CGE modelling

Graduated from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology, Executive MBA at the Kozminski University, and in 2013 he completed doctoral studies at the Collegium of Management and Finance at the Warsaw School of Economics. Since 2008, he has been working at The National Centre for Emissions Management (KOBiZE) at the Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute in Warsaw. He is a deputy head of the Strategy, Analysis and Auction Unit as well as a member of the Centre for Climate and Energy Analysis. Specialty – implementing energy and climate policy, CGE modelling.


Izabela Tobiasz – Expert in CGE modelling

Graduate of Chemical Technology (specialization: Chemical technologies in the energy sector) at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. She took part in internship in the solid fuels laboratory at the KWK Piast-Ziemowit mine in Bieruń. She actively participated in the TD Fuels science club, implementing the project “Mercury speciation in hard and lignite coal flue gases – Ontario-Hydro method”.


Igor Tatarewicz – Expert in energy and transport sector modelling

Gratuated of the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology. Has a lot of experience in technical and economic analysis of the energy sector. A specialist in modeling energy systems, including transmission networks and security of energy supply, environmental impact on energy, and changes needed for energy. He participated in many practices in the field of finance and climate shaping, energy market management and energy demand forecast.


Michał Lewarski – Expert in energy sector modelling

Graduated of the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology. He participated in works on the development of the polish power sector, energy policy assumptions and their future impact on the power sector. He participated in the preparation of short, medium and long-term forecasts for the development of the energy market and energy prices, creating long-term demand for electricity in the country. In 2014-2018 he co-created analyzes and forecasts at Energy Market Agency SA.


Maciej Cygler – Project impact monitoring expert

Chief expert in the Strategy, Analysis and Auction Unit at the National Centre for Emissions Management, faculty at the Institute of International Economics, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Ph.D. in Economics. Interests and activities include environmental and natural resource economics, economic assessment of environmental and climate policies, cost-benefit analysis and sustainable development. Chair of the Board at the Foundation of Environmental and Resource Economists, member of EAERE and PSEŚiZN.


Jan Witajewski-Baltvilks – Expert in CGE and agriculture sector modelling

Jan Witajewski-Baltvilks graduate of the London School of Economics (BSc Economics), University of Cambridge (MPhil Economics) and the European University Institute (MRes and PhD). Jan is a director of the Warsaw Ecological Economics Centre at University of Warsaw and an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw. Lead author of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report and a member of the Editorial Board for Climate Policy journal. Author of scientific papers, including publications in Energy Economics and Environmental Innovation and Societal Transition journals.

Between 2013 and 2015 he was involved in research projects at the Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei in Milan and between 2015 and 2018 he coordinated the Polish case study in the H2020 TRANSrisk project. Jan has recently participated in a number of projects aimed at evaluating the cost of climate policies.


Wojciech Rabiega – Expert in CGE and transport sector modelling

Graduated of Silesia University in Katowice (Master of Mathematics) and Warsaw School of Economics (PhD in economics). Lecturer, consultant of the World Bank since 2012 (macroeconomic forecasting, low-carbon transformation of Poland and Slovakia. Participated in the construction model PLACE under the supervision of the World Bank.





Szymon Wójcik – Expert in Transport Sector Modelling

PhD in Social Sciences (Economics). Assistant Professor in the Department of Econometrics at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology at the University of Łódź. Specialises in microeconometric modelling of travel behaviour. Author of numerous scientific publications in this field. Graduate of postgraduate studies in GIS Analysis.





Adam Wąs – Expert in agriculture sector modelling

Assistant Professor at Faculty of Economic Sciences at Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Received his doctorate (2005) and habilitation (2013) in agricultural economics at Faculty of Economic Sciences of Warsaw University of Life Sciences in Warsaw. Involved in a number of international research projects i.e.:„Cradle to cattle farming”, ERA-NET Bioenergy 2015-2018; “Bio Energy Farm 2” EU Intelligent Energy 2014-2016; CLAIM 7th Framework Program 2012-2014; FADNTOOL 7th Framework Program 2010-2014; RECOCA ERA-NET Bonus+ 2009-2011; ECONWELFARE 7th Framework Program 2009-2011; INCOME STABILIZATION 6th Framework Program. 2005-2008; SEAMLESS 6th Framework Program 2005-2009. During period 2011-2019 was involved in research activities on the position of Associate Professor at the Agricultural Finance Department of the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics – National Research Institute.


Paweł Kobus – Expert in agriculture sector modelling

Assistant professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences; PhD (2001) in Agricultural Sciences at the Faculty of Agriculture of SGGW. An expert of the National Centre for Emissions Balancing and Management (KOBiZE), participates in the development of the agricultural model under the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project. In the past, he has been involved in many international and national research projects, including: CLAIM 7th Framework Program 2012-2014; FADNTOOL 7th Framework Program 2011-2014, Methods for measuring and reducing risk in agricultural production in Poland in the conditions of institutional changes and climate change, 2011 – 2014 (KBN). Author of many publications on modelling of the level of risk in agricultural production and methods of assessing the attitude to risk.




Jakub Boratyński – Expert in CGE modelling

Expert in the field of CGE and input-output modelling, and policy and impact analysis using economic models. He already lead a modelling team responsible for the static CGE model development based in the beneficiary institution. Faculty member of the Department of Theory and Analyses of Economic Systems, University of Łódź.








Marek Antosiewicz – Expert in CGE and transport sector modelling

Graduated in the field of Mathematics from the University of Warsaw and in the field of Quantitative Methods in Economics from SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Currently employed as an assistant in the Institute of Econometrics at SGH where he is preparing his PhD thesis and  teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in optimisation and simulation methods in economics. Previously employed at the Institute for Structural Research, where he took part in numerous projects in the field of environmental economics and climate policy. Co-author of reports and articles published in journals such as Energy Policy, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transition or the World Bank group publishing house.




Katarzyna Mazanek – student

A second-year Master’s student at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economics, specializing in enterprise economics. At KOBiZE, she works as a junior expert, where she deals with CGE modeling and sector analysis.







Zuzanna Różańska – student

A second-year master’s student at the University of Warsaw, in the Faculty of Economic Sciences, specializing in business economics. At KOBiZE, she holds the position of junior expert, focusing on CGE modeling and sectoral analysis.









Sebastian Lizak – Promotion and Communication Expert

Graduated Economics and Agriculture at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and postgraduated studies in the field of “Information Technology and Management in Environmental Protection” at the Warsaw University of Technology. For over 10 years he has been working in the Strategy, Analysis and Auction Unit at KOBiZE. He is responsible for preparing the concept, conducting analyzes and developing solutions related to the implementation of international obligations in the field of air protection, in particular those arising from the EU Energy and Climate Package (EU ETS Directive and non-ETS Decision) and other national obligations, as part of ongoing cooperation with government administration bodies, as well as other external units in the country and abroad (also the European Commission). In particular, he specializes in technical of CO2 emission auctions and co-creates the “CO2 Market Report” issued by IOŚ-PIB/KOBiZE.



Aneta Tylka – Promotion and Communication Expert

Has a 12 years experience in the field of the climate change policy and emissions trading scheme. Many years of exerience in the field of climate change and and particpant of many UNFCCC climate change conferences and working group sessions and meetings from 2008 – 2013. Expert in the field the Kyoto Protocol and technology transfer negotiations being for many years representative of the polish government. Currently working as an expert in Strategy, Analysis and Auction Unit at KOBiZE (IOŚ-PiB). Responsible for promotion of the outcomes of the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project. Graduated from environmental and political science, and master of business administration (MBA). Scientific scholarship at the KU Leuven in Belgium on the Political Sciences. Internship in the Polish Puplic Representation of the European Union.

Grażyna Wolak – Financial officer

Jolanta Bogucka-Klajner – Financial officer

Marzena Chodor – LIFE VIIEW 2050 Platform expert

Iza Zborowska – LIFE VIIEW 2050 Platform expert


Former employees:

Jan Gąska – Expert in CGE modelling

Przemysław Sikora – Expert in transport sector modelling

Eugeniusz Smol – Promotion and Communication Expert

Vitaliy Krupin– Expert in CGE and transport sector modelling

Artur Gorzałczyński – Expert in transport sector modelling

Sławomir Skwierz – Expert in energy sector modelling

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