CAKE/KOBiZE joined the PCCB Network

CAKE/KOBiZE joined the PCCB Network

National Centre for Emissions Management (KOBiZE/IOŚ-PIB) has been accepted and registered as a member of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building Network (PCCB Network). The Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB) was established at COP 21 in 2015 and performs its activities under the auspices of the United Nations Framework Convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Committee addresses current and emerging gaps and needs in implementing and further enhancing capacity-building in developing countries. Since 2019 the PCCB has been serving also the Paris Agreement.


PCCB fosters collaboration between actors at all levels (local, national, regional and global), strengthening networks and partnerships to enhance synergies and promote knowledge and experience sharing. PCCB Network is an association and the platform for all those willing to contribute to capacity-building for climate policy implementation and share information on good practices in their work activity. The goal of the PCCB Network is to foster synergies and enhance coherence and coordination in capacity-building efforts for climate action. Activities of the PCCB Network align with the PCCB’s work areas:


  • Coherence and coordination on capacity-building under and outside the Convention.
  • Identifying capacity gaps and needs in climate change related capacity-building.
  • Awareness-raising, communications and stakeholder engagement on climate change related capacity-building.
  • Cross-cutting issues in climate change-related capacity-building.


Besides the core activities carried out under the PCCB Network, members are encouraged to propose additional activities they would like to see implemented under the umbrella of the PCCB Network, including:


  • Hosting and organizing knowledge exchange events: through the Capacity-building Hub, events in UNFCCC Regional Climate Weeks, and other collaborative platforms
  • Gathering and disseminating information: through the Capacity-building portal, social media, newsletter, and other online publications/platforms.


In addition, all Network members receive periodic newsletters including a calendar of capacity-building events, and information on current and upcoming activities undertaken by Network members. Members have the opportunity to take part in the exchange of expert knowledge and advice with the PCCB and other Network members and are provided with an exclusive space for networking at the UN Climate Change Conferences in Bonn and UNFCCC COPs.


KOBiZE experts have already actively participated in activities organized by PCCB during the Conference of Parties in Katowice (COP 24) and in Madrid (COP 25), where the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project and its results were presented (actually, the CAKE was the co-organizer of event under the PCCB Hub in Madrid). Ms. Marzena Chodor, an expert in the KOBiZE/IOŚ-PIB, holds the position of PCCB Co-chair.


Besides our contribution to the PCCB activities, the participation of CAKE / KOBiZE / IOŚ-PIB in the PCCB Network increases the possibility of reaching out a much wider, international audience with the outcomes of our activities, including the projects being implemented. As of today, 235 members joined the PCCB Network, including research centres, governmental and non-governmental organizations and institutions, and other international initiatives.


More information about the Committee and the PCCB Network at: and

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