Bilateral expert workshop in Sevilla on modelling between CAKE (Center for Climate and Policy Analysis) and the European Commission

Bilateral expert workshop in Sevilla on modelling between CAKE (Center for Climate and Policy Analysis) and the European Commission

On the 28th – 29th of May 2019 in Seville as a part of the implementation of LIFE Climate CAKE PL project a bilateral expert workshop on modelling between CAKE (Center for Climate and Policy Analysis) and the European Commission represented by the Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA), Directorate-General for Energy (DG ENER) and the Joint Research Center (JRC – Joint Research Center) took place. About 20 modelling experts in energy and climate policy, as well as in transport and adaptation attended the meeting.


The meeting was organized in order to:

  • consult on the analytical tools (models) used to evaluate the effects of energy and climate policies, and,
  • exchange of experiences related to the construction, operation and implementation of these specialized tools.


Experts from LIFE Climate CAKE PL and Joint Research Center emphasized that analytical tools which are being developed significantly contribute to the dissemination of knowledge about the neces

sity of the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the need to undertake necessary actions on climate protection in the perspective up to 2050.


Moreover the workshop gave an opportunity to present model assumptions and model tools developed as a part of LIFE Climate CAKE PL.

During the meeting, the important role of modelling results in the decision-making process by the administration were underlined and experiences of accessible forms of presenting model results were discussed. LIFE Climate CAKE PL experts presented the CGE d-PLACE model, the MESSA energy model and the TR3E transport sector model. In addition, preliminary results of the analysis concerning the effects of carbon leakage performed with d-PLACE model were showed. Carbon leakage is the result of the diversification of climate policy actions carried out in different parts of the world what can affect the competitive position of various EU industries. The analysis made by CAKE experts was aimed to shown the possible scale of carbon leakage, with the assumption of different GHG emission reduction scenarios in the EU and identification of carbon leakeage channels which could allow for more effective prevention of this phenomenon in the future.


Experts from Joint Research Center discussed some of  the developed tools e.g.,:POTEnCIA, PIRAMID, T-NET model, as well as the model for evaluation of the impact of climate change on Peseta’s economy. Moreover, the Integrated Database of the European Energy Sector (IDEES) that is used, among others,  in the POTEnCIA model at Joint Research Centre (JRC) were  presented. It is worth to be noted  that the IDEES database is also used in the transport model in the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project and in the future it may become an important source of historical data for other models.


It should be emphasized that the exchange of knowledge and experiences between the Center for Climate and Policy Analysis (CAKE) and representatives of Joint Research Centre (JRC) provided an opportunity to get to know broader perspective of the ongoing works as well as current and future analytical challenges in the area of climate protection. Furthermore, experts of the LIFE CAKE PL team have particularly benefited from the experiences of JRC by familiarizing with the technical details of the tools, which would allow to improve the quality of created models. This acquired  knowledge will be used in the further work of the LIFE Climate CAKE PL team in the CGE, transport and energy models.


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