CAKE at TSI GreenREFORM Project seminar

CAKE at TSI GreenREFORM Project seminar

The week from the 2nd till 5th December 2024, our CAKE/ KOBIZE/ IOŚ-PIB experts took part in of the TSI GreenREFORM project seminar in Copenhagen. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss strategies and tools related to climate policy modelling. 


The project encompasses familiarisation with the GreenREFORM general equilibrium model, developed by the DREAM, Danish Research Institute for Economic Analysis and Modelling, through training and workshops. It also entails the application of this model in assessing the impacts of environmental and climate-energy policies and investment scenarios.


On the inaugural day of the workshop, participants were afforded the opportunity to gain insight into the climate policy perspective of the Finansministeriet – Danish Ministry of Finance, international cooperation and the fundamental tenets of the GreenREFORM project. Furthermore, the meeting presented practical applications of the model and discussed potential reforms to the industrial and agricultural emissions system.

The second day was dedicated to an in-depth examination of the scientific perspective and technical aspects of modelling. The difficulties inherent in modelling the energy market, agriculture and the cement and refining industry were examined. A portion of the workshop was dedicated to an examination of the technical foundations of the GreenREFORM model, with practical exercises conducted to illustrate its functionality. 

On the third day, participants analysed i.e. energy and emissions data. The workshop concluded with practical exercises, including the modification of taxes and the analysis of top-down and bottom-up approaches to technology.

On the fourth day, presentations and wrap-up discussions took place. Marek Antosiewicz, expert from CAKE/ KOBIZE participated in the networking event that followed the TSI GreenReform modelling workshop. He presented our CAKE/KOBIZE/ IOŚ-PIB institutional setup, the models that we utilise in CAKE, and the projects in which we are currently engaged.



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