We are pleased to present you three model documentations regarding models: d-PLACE, Energy (MEESA) ,transport (TR3E) and agriculture (EPICA). Preparation of model documentation is part of one of the most important goals of the project: building a comprehensive and consistent analytical toolkit for assessing the measures proposed at the levels of Member States and the EU, including their sectoral dimension.
d-PLACE model is based on the static CGE model called PLACE, which was created in 2013-2016 by members of the Climate Policy Analysis Center (Polish acronym – CAK) cooperating with the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Poland and experts of the World Bank in cooperation with IOŚ – PIB. d-PLACE model is a recursive dynamic model worldwide and multisectoral. In addition, the big advantage of the model, unheard of in other analyzes of this type, is a very detailed reflection of the EU ETS system and emission limits in individual EU countries under non-ETS.
- Model documentation for d-PLACE model:
CAKE_d-PLACE_model_documentation-1.pdf (1.4 MiB, 4,610 hits)
MEESA Energy model (Model for European Energy System Analysis) is a linear model optimizing the coverage of electricity and district heating demand in EU28 specializing in balancing emissions. The analytical tool was designed to thoroughly analyze the role of existing and future energy technologies in achieving the goals set by the energy sector in EU climate and energy policy. The model, covering 28 EU countries as well as Switzerland and Norway, minimizes the total discounted costs of covering the demand for electricity and network heat in the entire analysis period covering 2015-2055 period. For this, MEESA uses over 50 technologies that it can use in each of the 18 load zones considered for each year of analysis.
- Model documentation for Energy sector model MEESA:
CAKE_MEESA_energy-model_documentation.pdf (1.5 MiB, 2,267 hits)
TR3E transport model (Transport European Economic Model) is based on the concept of partial equilibrium. TR3E model consist of two main modules: passenger and freight. It covers four main areas of transportation: road, rail, aviation and inland and coastal shipping of goods in each of the European Union 28 Member States. TR3E model is based on several data sources. The main data set comes from JRC IDEES database. The IDEES database supplies the model with data on the structure of the fleet, historical activity levels, the level of scrapping, etc. The second main source of data is the TRACCS database (prepared on behalf of the European Commission by Emisia), where information on the costs of transport activity in individual EU Member States comes from.
- Model documentation for Transport sector model TR3E:
CAKE_TR3E_documentation.pdf (2.2 MiB, 1,799 hits)
EPICA agricultural model (The Evaluation of Policy Impacts – Climate and Agriculture Model)
The main task of the model is to analyse the impacts of climate and energy policy on agriculture. The EPICA model consists of two integrated modules – market module and farm module – combining a partial equilibrium approach with linear farm activity optimisation programming. This enables the simulation of a proper supply-demand balance of goods produced in the agricultural sector, as well as provides a detailed disaggregation of analysed farm activities. The construction of the EPICA model supports interaction with other CAKE analytical tools, including in particular the d-PLACE model and the MEESA model.
- Model documentation for agricultural model:
CAKE_EPICA_model_documentation_.pdf (1.7 MiB, 1,595 hits)