Event: „Cities and municipalities as leaders in climate and energy activities” organised by Stowarzyszenie Gmin Polska Sieć „Energie Cités”

Event: „Cities and municipalities as leaders in climate and energy activities” organised by Stowarzyszenie Gmin Polska Sieć „Energie Cités”

On the 9th of May 2019 in Serock we took part in an event „Cities and municipalities as leaders in climate and energy activities” organised by Stowarzyszenie Gmin Polska Sieć „Energie Cités” where the latest initiatives (Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy), funding opportunities (NFOŚiGW) and examples of implementations of green solutions in cities (Bydgoszcz, Warsaw, 44MPA project) were presented. During the table session, we presented the scope of LIFE Climate CAKE PL and discussed needs of local administration in case of project deliverables.

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