GO2’50 vol. 2

GO2’50 vol. 2

We invite you to read our second publication of the periodic “GO2’50. Climate. Society. Economy.” prepared by the National Center for Emission Management and the Center for Climate and Energy Analysis.


The preparation and creation of the next issue of the publication meets the need to provide adequate knowledge on issues related to the broadly understood climate and energy policy and related to the need to carry out the transformation to a low-carbon economy by 2050. We are pleased to present to you some interesting topics that are and will be in the near future widely discussed.

In the publication you will find a number of interesting articles concerning both the assessment of the current situation in the arena of international climate negotiations, including the role of EU diplomacy, and the assessment of what will be important at the EU and Polish level in the implementation of the European Green Deal strategy and the “Fit for 55 Package” ”, the situation on the CO2 market in the EU ETS, fair climate with raised ambitions, the role of new low-and zero-emission energy technologies, transformation of the car transport sector, as well as the issue of financing climate protection projects.


Below, we present detailed information on the articles in the second issue of “GO2’50” dealing with topics relevant to the current climate and energy policy, including:

  • The EUA market and price developments in the EU ETS in 2021 and the further prospects,
  • The role of EU climate diplomacy in the promotion of global climate action,
  • Does the “Fit for 55” package introduce a “fair” allocation of emission allowances
    in the EU ETS in EU Member States in the period until 2030?,
  • The role of low- and zero-emission energy technologies on the path to achieving
    the net zero target in Poland by 2050,
  • Scenarios of the transition of the passenger car and light duty vehicle fleets in Poland
    and the EU in the context of the “Fit for 55” package,
  • The success of the negotiations on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement at COP26,
  • Funding for climate action in the EU budget perspective for 2021-2027,
  • The mechanism for financing climate action projects from the Modernisation
    Fund resources.

We hope that the next issue of our publication will meet your expectations and provide adequate knowledge.

We invite you to read!

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