LIFE Climate CAKE PL at “Climate Recon 2050: Dialogues on Pathways and Policy”

LIFE Climate CAKE PL at “Climate Recon 2050: Dialogues on Pathways and Policy”

Members of LIFE Climate CAKE PL team contributed to the international workshop „Climate Recon 2050: Dialogues on Pathways and Policy” on 9th October, 2018 in Warsaw. The workshop has been focused mainly on modelling the energy and climate policy economic impacts by 2050.

The LIFE Climate CAKE PL project contribution has appeared meaningful, since participants had an opportunity to hear about our experiences and findings in two sessions. The advantages and uniqueness of the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project were presented, emphasizing its approach to development of a comprehensive system supporting decision-making in public administration.


Project Coordinator presented the attitude aimed at providing the most effective and comprehensive flows of information and knowledge between experts and public officers and decision-makers. Following this attitude, an involvement of target group representatives already at an early stage is essential for defining assumptions and structure of analytical reports as well as for the effective communicating the energy and climate policy modelling outcomes, satisfying the target group needs.

The workshop has enabled establishing new working contacts with the representatives of the LIFE Climate PATH 2050 as well as sharing experiences of implementing projects co-financed from the LIFE programme. Both projects have been awarded support from the same edition of the LIFE programme. All the presentations you can find on the website: and

More information on the LIFE Climate PATH 2050:

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