Article “The Role of BECCS in Achieving Climate Neutrality in the European Union”

Article “The Role of BECCS in Achieving Climate Neutrality in the European Union”

We reccomend you to read  article focused on “The Role of BECCS in Achieving Climate Neutrality in the European Union“, which was published on the 23 November 2021 at Energies 2021.



The achievement of climate neutrality in the European Union by 2050 will not be possible solely through a reduction in fossil fuels and the development of energy generation from renewable sources. Large-scale implementation of various technologies is necessary, including bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), carbon capture and storage (CCS), and carbon capture and utilisation (CCU), as well as industrial electrification, the use of hydrogen, the expansion of electromobility, low-emission agricultural practices, and afforestation.


This research is devoted to an analysis of BECCS as a negative emissions technology (NET) and the assessment of its implementation impact upon the possibility of achieving climate neutrality in the EU. The modelling approach utilises tools developed within the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project and includes the MEESA energy model and the d-PLACE CGE economic model.


This article identifies the scope of the required investment in generation capacity and the amount of electricity production from BECCS necessary to meet the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets in the EU, examining the technology’s impact on the overall system costs and marginal abatement costs (MACs). The modelling results confirm the key role of BECCS technology in achieving EU climate goals by 2050.



The full article is available here:


The article was prepared within the Centre for Climate and Policy Analysis (CAKE) set up in the National Centre for Emission Management (KOBiZE), which is a part of the Institute of Environmental Protection—National Research Institute (IEP-NRI). It was prepared within the project: LIFE Climate CAKE PL – LIFE16 GIC/PL/000031, which is co-financed from the EU LIFE programme and from the funds of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.



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