New publication “A guide to energy transformation for local governments”

New publication “A guide to energy transformation for local governments”

We invite you to read our latest publication entitled “Polska net-zero 2050. Podręcznik transformacji energetycznej dla samorządów”. The guide was prepared at the Center for Climate and Energy Analysis as part of the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project. The manual is the second part of the publication entitled “Poland net-zero 2050. Roadmap for achieving the Community’s climate policy goals for Poland by 2050”, which was published in July 2021.


Both publications are available below:


The guid has been written to present in one place the most important policies, measures and support instruments in the field of low-emission economy development, which are the responsibility of local governments. It is local governments that have the greatest potential in terms of integration of measures for distributed energy generation, energy efficiency, air protection and many other elements that are part of the sustainable development strategy. Initiating and implementing changes to protect the climate is an opportunity for the development of cities and municipalities and a number of benefits, such as: improvement of air quality and modernization of energy and transport infrastructure, which will be felt for the next decades.


The manual contains many valuable tips and advice on the directions of actions that may be taken by local governments as part of the energy transformation, in particular a description of available sources of financing or co-financing of projects in this area (provided that they relate to competitions currently underway under the current financial perspective). The anticipated changes in the next financial perspective are also outlined, however, due to the fact that the conditions and mechanisms of support were not finally defined at the time of issuing the Manual, they will need to be updated in the future.


The handbook also presents the results of analyzes carried out as part of the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project in terms of the potential for greenhouse gas reduction in individual sectors for scenarios assuming reduction levels consistent with the EU objectives. This analysis can be helpful in assessing the steps needed to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.


We highly recommend it!


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