Presentation of the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project during a seminar at IBS-PAN

Presentation of the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project during a seminar at IBS-PAN

The scientific seminar on applying operational research and system analysis to the GHG mitigation policy analysis and its impact on economic development was held on 15 June, 2018, at the Institute of Systemic Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences.


Among the presentations there were two prepared by IOŚ – PIB and KOBiZE, i.e. the “European Emission Trading System – mechanism, rules for allocation of allowances, conditions from Poland’s perspective” and “Emigration as a result of climate policy on the example of the EU ETS – estimation using the CGE model” . The development of the last of these presentations was possible thanks to the use of the CGE – PLACE model. The presented modeling results confirmed the possibility of occurrence of the carbon leakage in the future as a reaction to the asymmetric climate policy. The authors of the presentation underlined that without proper protection of sectors and policies at the EU level there is a danger that carbon leakage may even intensify, e.g. as a result of increasing the reduction targets of GHG emissions.

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