Signing co-financing agreement for the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project

Signing co-financing agreement for the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project

On 27 July 2017, an agreement was signed in Warsaw between the Institute of Environmental Protection – the National Research Institute and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and at the same time the European Commission regarding co-financing of the project entitled “A system for the provision and exchange of information for the strategic support of the implementation of climate and energy policy (LIFE Climate CAKE PL)“.


The project was submitted to the European Commission in 2016 LIFE call and received high notes, being considered as one of the best in the European Union. The importance, quality and uniqueness of the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project has been recognized by a number of people and institutions involved in the energy and climate policy, which was reflected in many lists of support for this project received, among others from ministers of the Government of the Republic of Poland and EU Member States, deputies to the European Parliament, international organizations and scientific institutions.


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