ECEMF Workshop in Poland

ECEMF Workshop in Poland

On May 16, 2024,  Centre for Climate and Energy Analysis (CAKE/KOBIZE/IOŚ-PIB) had the pleasure of hosting the European Climate and Energy Modelling Forum (ECEMF) Workshop in Poland.


The meeting took place in Warsaw and was an excellent opportunty to present Polish perspective on energy and climate policy and the modelling results from ECEMF project to decision makers and other stakeholders in Poland.



The meeting was opened by Robert Jeszke, Head of CAKE, and Will Usher, ECEMF project leader. During the meeting there were several presentations made:



  • Wojciech Krawczyk, Ministry of Climate and Environment presented the main assumptions and objectives of the Polish climate and energy policy.
  • Robert Pietzcker, PIK – Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, showed the results of the ECEMF model intercomparison with the aim of how to achieve climate neutrality in the EU.
  • Maria Kannavou, E3-Modelling Energy-Economy-Environment, focused on energy system transformation in PRIMES scenarios in the perspective of the EU 2040 targets.
  • Ece Özer, Technische Universität Wien, presented sectoral results for Poland, concentrating on buildings and transport.
  • Mark Dekker, Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (PBL showed results on emission reduction targets in light of equity for Poland and the EU. 
  • Igor Tatarewicz, Centre for Climate and Energy Analysis (CAKE), presented a low emission scenarios for the Polish power sector.


The last part was the workshop on how to use ECEMF tool Futuresight lead by William Usher.


You can find more on the ECEMF project:


Thank you all the participants for fruitful and inspiring discussion.



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