CAKE at Net-Zero Carbon Market Policy Dialogue 2023 in Florence

CAKE at Net-Zero Carbon Market Policy Dialogue 2023 in Florence

On 21-th Septemeber, Robert Jeszke – the CEO of CAKE had the privilege to participate in the Net-Zero Carbon Market Policy Dialogue 2023 in Florence. The event was hosted by the Florence School of Regulation at the European University Institute and offered valuable insights through meaningful discussions and contributions from exceptional speakers.

It was an invaluable occasion to connect with LifeVIIEW2050 and LifeCOASE and engage in enlightening discussions with experts on the carbon market development. 

The European Union is at a critical juncture in its climate and energy policy. Having set the ambitious target of reducing emissions by 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels and achieving climate neutrality by 2050, the European Climate Law mandates the European Commission to propose an intermediate climate target for 2040. However, the focus should not only be on reduction target levels but also on governance architecture, policy instruments, and public support. What is needed now is a comprehensive vision of a governance strategy to achieve the overarching goal of climate neutrality by 2050, a task fraught with challenges.

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