CAKE at the CASE research workshop

CAKE at the CASE research workshop

On October 18, Robert Jeszke – the CEO of the CAKE, participated in a research workshop organized by the Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE) entitled “Taxes and the European Green Deal”, where he presented the key changes in the EU ETS due to planned implementation of the Fit for 55 package and took part in a panel on decarbonisation of transport, buildings and agriculture. One of the most important elements of the Fit for 55 package will be, among others. implementation of the CBAM border tax.


During the panel, which was based on a questioning session for participants, Robert Jeszke stated that:


  • Speculation is an indispensable element of any market (not only CO2) and affects its liquidity. Greater activity of investment funds causes market fluctuations and may create a potential price bubble against which the CO2 allowances market is not adequately safeguarded. EUA prices are about to rise in the long-term, but sudden EUA price spikes in the short-term should be avoided. If we assume that a bubble is forming on the market, which will burst at some point, it will be very negative, especially for installations with the EU ETS. That is why it is so important to have a safeguard measures to stabilize prices.


  • The energy transition has its logic because the whole world is striving for climate neutrality. This is an element of changing the EU market position, which will change the world for the better through innovation and the use of new technologies. This approach requires deep electrification of all branches of the economy. For this you will need some funds and an appropriate vision of their management. The effectiveness of these solutions depends on it.


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