CAKE at the CBE Polska webinar: “The consequences for industry”

CAKE at the CBE Polska webinar: “The consequences for industry”

On September 3, the head of the Center for Climate and Energy Analyses, Robert Jeszke, gave a presentation entitled “Planned changes in the EU ETS as part of the” Fit for 55 “package at the online seminar organized by CBE Polska.



In his speech, Robert Jeszke presented the Fit for 55 package and the main elements of changes in the EU ETS system, concerning, inter alia, new reduction targets and the number of allowances in the EU ETS, inclusion of aviation and maritime transport in the EU ETS, revision of the MSR mechanism, free allocation of allowances and a new instrument – the CBAM border tax. In addition, a new system for transport and buildings was also described, as well as various forms of financing low-emission investments through the use of, inter alia, funds from auctions, Modernization Fund, Innovation Fund, Just Transition Fund and Social Climate Fund.


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