European Climate Summit 2023 (ECS2023)

European Climate Summit 2023 (ECS2023)

CAKE will be present at the European Climate Summit 2023 (ECS2023) organized by the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) taking place 28-30 March 2023 in Lisbon.
During the conference, Robert Jeszke, the CEO of the Centre for Climate and Energy Analysis (CAKE) is going to participate in the 1st Plenary – The EU ETS by 2030 and Beyond, which will take place on the 29th March.
The discussion in this panel would focus on the Fit For 55 package, carbon border taxation, established new funds to drive the low- carbon transition and the future of EU’s new climate targets for 2040 to be proposed next year. The main questions to be addressed concern: How will the EU ETS evolve by 2030 and beyond? Is further ETS sector expansion inevitable? What are the key challenges with the EUETS cap reaching zero by 2040?


The discussion will be moderated by Ewa Krukowska, from Bloomberg and among the distinguished speakers in the 1 st Panel on the EU ETS are:

Beatriz Yordi, Director, DG Climate Action – European Commission

Peter Liese, Member of the European Parliament, Rapporteur on EU ETS Review

Stefano De Clara, Head of Secretariat – International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP)

Nuno LACASTA, Executive Board President – Portuguese Environment Agency

Kavita Ahluwalia, Vice President and Head of Global Positioning – Uniper & Co-Chair, IETA EU Working Group.



Looking forward to see you in Lisbon!



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