GO2’50. Climate.Society.Economy. vol.3/2022

GO2’50. Climate.Society.Economy. vol.3/2022

We invite you to read our third publication of the periodic “GO2’50. Climate. Society. Economy.” (No3/2022) prepared by the National Center for Emission Management and the Center for Climate and Energy Analysis. Publication is available in the Polish and English language.


  •  Publication in English language:

  GO2'50. Climate.Society.Economy._vol.3/2022 (5.1 MiB, 126 hits)

  • Publication in Polish language:

  „GO2’50. Klimat. Społeczeństwo. Gospodarka.” (Nr 03/2022) (5.1 MiB, 166 hits)


The preparation and creation of the next issue of the publication meets the need to provide adequate knowledge on issues related to the broadly understood climate and energy policy and related to the need to carry out the transformation to a low-carbon economy by 2050. We are pleased to present to you some interesting topics that are and will be in the near future widely discussed.


The year 2022 was certainly the time which we will all remember because of the very difficult geopolitical situation in the world caused by Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. The need to change the directions of fossil fuel supplies, mostly less carbon-intensive gas, as a result of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, intensified the process of the revaluation of, and changed the approach to, climate and energy policy. In these new circumstances, there were significant changes in the list of European priorities in favour of supply security and as quick cessation of fuel imports from Russia as possible. This does not mean, however, that climate policy and greenhouse gas emission reductions, particularly those of emissions from the combustion of fuels, in the EU lost prominence.


Mindful of the importance of the circumstances outlined above, we have the pleasure to present to you studies by our Authors who address issues which are and will be in the nearest time the subject matter of heated discussions as part of progress in the implementation of the Fit for 55 package. One of the key prerequisites for success is a reform of the present EU ETS system, including the expansion of its scope to cover new sectors or the introduction of new regulatory instruments, such as the carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM). Given the scope of necessary measures, there is a need to tackle the costs which the EU Member States will have to incur as part of the energy transition on the pathway to achieve the climate neutrality goals. In this context, the EU support measures will be indispensable, including, among others, Just Transition, to mitigate the impacts of the transition, the new European Bauhaus, to support cities and citzens, or the introdction of equivalent measures to reduce emissions. Actions will also need to be taken at the international level, specifically, to operationalise and implement the market mechanisms under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.


We warmly invite you to read the new issue of the publication!



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