Invitation for LIFE VIIEW 2050 Conference

Invitation for LIFE VIIEW 2050 Conference

We invite you to participate in the LIFE VIIEW 2050 Conference “Shaping the Future of the EU ETS: Achieving 2050 Climate Neutrality with Insights from the New European Commission and the Polish Presidency”, which will take place on 25th October 2024 at the headquarter of IOŚ-PIB/KOBiZE in Warsaw, Słowicza 32.


We cordially invite representatives of various types of organisations from Poland and the EU interested in climate and energy policy (central and local government administration, academia, representatives of the energy and industry sectors, banks, think tanks, NGOs). It will be an excellent forum for discussion and public consultation on the main elements of Poland’s energy and climate policy in a broader EU perspective.


  • Registration form: LINK





We have confirmed prominent panellists including:

  • Ms Mette Quinn, DG CLIMA, European Commission
  • Mr Antonio Soria, JRC, European Commission
  • Mr Krzysztof Bolesta, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Climate and Environment
  • Mr Artur Runge-Metzger, Fellow, MCC, former Director at DG Clima, European Commission
  • Mr Tomasz Zieliński, Chairman of the Board, Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry
  • Mrs Dorota Zawadzka-Stępniak, President of the Management Board, National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
  • Mr Marcin Laskowski, Vice-President of the Management Board, PGE
  • Mr Marcin Stoczkiewcz, Director, Institute of Environmental Protection, IOŚ-PIB


The debate on climate and energy policy, and the way in which the ETS will evolve, is critical to tackling climate change and achieving a low-carbon economy by mid-century. During the conference, we will have the opportunity to discuss the climate and energy policy challenges and opportunities for the development of the EU ETS ahead of the newly elected European Commission and in the light of the upcoming Polish EU Presidency. It will also be an opportunity to exchange views with a wide international audience, including representatives of the European Commission from DG Climate Action, as well as scientists from the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and CINEA (European Executive Agency for Climate, Infrastructure and Environment). Key representatives of the Polish administration from the Ministry of Climate and Environment and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management will also participate. On this occasion, the results of the LIFE VIIEW 2050 project on the impact of EU ETS changes on the energy, transport and agriculture sectors will be presented.


An indispensable element of the conference will be the opportunity to get acquainted in practice with the results of the projects carried out, which were made possible by obtaining funding for LIFE projects in research activities, without which the Centre for Climate and Energy Analysis (CAKE) at IOŚ-PIB/KOBIZE would not have been established. The possibility of the implementation of the LIFE VIIEW 2050 project and the launch of the new LIFE ENSPIRE project will certainly be an opportunity for the establishment of future co-operation with the guests in the field of climate-energy transition in Poland.


During the conference, the latest results of analyses prepared by the Centre for Climate and Energy Analysis (CAKE), developed within the LIFE VIIEW 2050 project, will be presented. CAKE operates within KOBiZE and conducts research on key aspects of the European Union’s climate and energy policies, providing valuable data and conclusions to support efforts to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.


The conference will be held in both Polish and English (translation). For guests, it will be an onsite conference only.

You will receive confirmation of your participation by email, as the number of places is limited.

Please feel free to forward this invitation to anyone in your network who might be also interested.


More information about our LIFE VIIEW 2050 project on the website:

„The meeting is organised as part of the project entitled ‘The impact assessment of the EU Emission Trading System with the long-term vision for a climate neutral economy by 2050” LIFE
VIIEW 2050 (LIFE19 GIC PL/001205) has received funding from the European Union’s LIFE Programme and from national funds from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and
Water Management.”

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