LIFE VIIEW 2050 webinar! 18th May 2023

LIFE VIIEW 2050 webinar! 18th May 2023

On May 18, 2023, the LIFE VIIEW 2050 project held an on line webinar entitled. “VIIEW 2050: Changing the scope of the EU ETS.” The recently published report by the Centre for Climate and Energy Analysis (CAKE), which examines the impact of the EU’s Fit for 55 package on the EU and Polish economy by 2050, was presented as a starting point for further discussion of possible options to support the implementation of climate policies by developing countries through fully-fledged and Paris Agreement-compliant national emissions trading schemes.


The meeting was attended by representatives of ministries, scientific institutes, companies and the Paris Committee on Capacity Building (PCCB).


Marta Roslaniec, our expert from CAKE, serving as moderator, began the meeting with a brief introductory section on the goals of our latest LIFE VIIEW 2050 analysis and introductory questions to start the discussion relating to climate and energy policy goals.


In the main part of the meeting, Jan Witajewski-Baltvilks, our modeling expert from CAKE, presented the main assumptions, scenarios and results of CAKE’s latest analysis VIIEW on EU ETS 2050: Changing the scope of the EU ETS.


During his presentation, he outlined both the macroeconomic impacts for different scenarios, noting that the inclusion of new sectors in the EUETS will increase marginal abatement costs due to more expensive abatement options available in other sectors (currently not covered by the EU ETS). He also pointed out that Southern European countries would be the biggest beneficiaries of the inclusion of the buildings and transport (RTD) sectors in the EU ETS. In his presentation, he also presented the main lessons for the transport and agriculture sectors on the way to achieving climate neutrality. At the end of the meeting there was an interesting discussion with the participants on the assumptions made and the results.


The full analysis is available in English: 

  VIIEW on EU ETS 2050: Changing the scope of the EU ETS (7.5 MiB, 1,297 hits)

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