Workshop with JRC in Seville

Workshop with JRC in Seville

CAKE participated in a bilateral workshop hosted by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Seville on September 17-18, 2023. Discussions focused on advancing energy, climate, and economic modelling. The workshop provided an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge, strengthen cooperation, and explore new perspectives on key topics shaping the future of European energy and climate policies.


During the meeting, we delved into several important areas, including CO2 price modelling, with a detailed analysis of current trends and projections, as well as their implications for energy and climate policy. Another key topic was hydrogen policy and its potential role in the broader energy transition, as well as the future of transport policies and the expanded scope of the EU ETS (Emissions Trading System). The conversation also touched on the challenges of modelling for e-fuels and DACCS (Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage), as well as integrating neighbouring countries into the EU ETS and extending time horizons beyond 2050.

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