The 4th meeting of the LIFE VIIEW Advisory Board

The 4th meeting of the LIFE VIIEW Advisory Board

The 4th Advisory Board meeting of LIFEVIIEW2050 project – Vision on Impact & Improvement of the EUETS working by 2050, implemented by th Centre for Climate and Energy Analysis was held on the 12th of February 2024.





The fourth LIFE VIIEW 2050 Advisory Board meeting was attended by:

  • Antonio Soria, Head of Economics of Climate Change, Energy and Transport Unit (C.6) at JRC
  • Simone Borghesi, Director FSR Climate Florence School of Regulation (FSR), European University Institute
  • Karsten Neuhoff, Head of Department in the Climate Policy Department in DIW Berlin
  • Jos Delbeke, Europea Investment Bank (EIB), European University Institute (EUI)
  • Wojciech Burkiewicz, Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland
  • Artur Runge – Metzger, former Director, European Commission, Brussels
  • Przemysław Sikora, European Commission, JRC


The CAKE modelling team presented the main outcomes and working results of the second analysis focused on the EU ETS interaction with other climate policy measures: removals, transport, hydrogen. No doubts, it was a great opportunity to exchange knowledge, views and perspectives on the new analysis as well as future modelling scenarios, assumptions, information and data. The modelling discussion focused mainly on the interaction with other climate policy measures, but also on incorporating newly proposed emission reduction target for 2040 into research scenarios as well as on better communicating complex issues to stakeholders.


Thank you all for your participation and insightful input to our work on the LIFE VIIEW 2050 project.

We look forward for future meetings and cooperation!

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