
21 05 2024

CAKE at EUI Climate Week 2024...

During 21-23 of May, Robert Jeszke, CEO of CAKE, participated in the discussion titled “State-of-play in international carbon markets 2024,” organized by the European University Institute, Florence School of Regulation, […]

16 05 2024

CAKE & LIFE VIIEW 2050 at...

On 16 May 2024, the CAKE Team participated in the LIFE Information Days in Warsaw organised by NFOŚIGW and the LIFE National Contact Point.   During the Information Days, the […]

16 05 2024

ECEMF Workshop in Poland

On May 16, 2024,  Centre for Climate and Energy Analysis (CAKE/KOBIZE/IOŚ-PIB) had the pleasure of hosting the European Climate and Energy Modelling Forum (ECEMF) Workshop in Poland.   The meeting […]

15 05 2024

5th ECEMF Consortium Meeting, Warsaw

On the 14th and 15th of May 2024 Centrum Analiz Klimatyczno-Energetycznych (CAKE) / Centre for Climate and Energy Analysis / IOŚ-PIB host in Warsaw, Poland the 5th Consortium Meeting of […]

23 04 2024

CAKE at the ERCST EVENT on...

On April 23rd, 2024 Robert Jeszke, CEO of CAKE took part in the conference “EU ETS: Carbon Dioxide Removals CDRs – Public Event” organized by the The European Roundtable on […]

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