Institute of Environmental Protection is supervised by the Ministry of the Environment. The development of the basic environmental policy on a national and international scale distinguishes IEP-NRI from other research and development units dealing with issues of environmental protection. An important part of IEP-NRI activity is comprehensive environmental research, integrating research conducted in different research fields.
The Institute operates in the following fields:
- Developing the basics of Poland’s environmental strategy and policy and participating in international studies,,
- Comprehensive studies of the environment, especially the processes and consequences of its degradation, with particular emphasis on the areas of industrial degradation,
- Protection of the atmosphere against pollution,
- Climate protection,
- Protection against noise and vibration,
- Protection of the landscape and living resources of nature,
- Protection and restoration of the biologically active surface of the earth,
- Protection and restoration of water resources,
- Waste management.
The scope of the Institute’s activities also includes:
- international and national cooperation in the field of environmental protection,
- ecological education,
- granting technical approvals for equipment for wastewater treatment and treatment of sludge,
- issuing opinions on plant protection products intended for registration in Poland in the field of environmental safety,
- implementation and dissemination of the Institute’s results through its own publications, organization of conventions, conferences and national symposia,
- library and information activities.
More information on the IEP -NRI you can find at: