Media and promotion

Media and promotion

The main channels used to promote and disseminate the project’s results were:

  • Website:
  • Social media: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
  • Articles in popular publications, specialist journals & scientific
  • Explanatory leaflets and promotion brochures
  • Presence in the media: Interviews & comments to newspapers & TV and participation in podcasts
  • Participation in conferences, seminars & webinars
  • Organisation of many workshops, events & meetings with other LIFE projects


As a result of the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project, we participated in a number of meetings with other representatives of LIFE projects. One of our most important partners in this area is the cooperation with the Florence School of Regulation (FSR Climate), which runs the LIFE DICET and LIFE SIDE projects. Another project we had the opportunity to cooperate with and exchange experiences in project management is LIFE Clivut.

We had the opportunity to participate at the conference of the LIFE Unify project (2021), INE-ISD and WWF (February 2018) as well as UNEP/GRID-Warsaw and the LIFE Green-Go! Carpathians project (May 2018), where we were able to present the results of our work and share experiences from the implementation of LIFE projects. We also participated in workshops and information days promoting knowledge about LIFE projects. CAKE/KOBiZE/OŚ-PIB project was also the organizer of several international and domestic conferences, including:


  • The challenges of economic transformation in the perspective of achieving the climate neutrality goal of Poland and the European Union by 2050” in Warsaw (November 2019 r.);
  • European Green Deal 2050 – Challenges of transformation” (May 2020 r.) – on-line conference co-organised with Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the European Union;
  • What climate policy in the agricultural sector in Poland?” (July 2020 r.)
  • “Development of the heating sector in Poland” co-organised with Stowarzyszenie Gmin Polska Sieć „Energie Cités” (January 2022 r.)
  • The Reform of the MSR and its impact on the EU ETS & EUA prices” (March 2022 r.)
  • The challenges of transformation in the perspective of achieving the climate neutrality goal of Poland and the European Union by 2050” in Warsaw (June 2022 r.)


In previous years, we also participated in the world’s largest modeling events, as well as the COP 24 Conferences in Katowice (2018), COP 25 in Madrid (2019) and COP26 in Glasgow (2021) as well as in conferences organized by foreign portals, such as Euractiv, other research centers of PIK Potsdam, and other on-line webinars related to the subject of climate and energy policy.


Reports and leaflets


Reports presenting the progress of the LIFE CAKE project

On May 30, 2018, the LIFE Climate CAKE team published the “Inception report” presenting the implementation of the project from September 1, 2017 to May 25, 2018. You can find it here:


Layman’s Report



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