Project goals

Project goals

The Project structure is based on three research Working Packages (WP), focused on the assessment of the EU ETS functioning, including its synergies and interactions with: Goals to be achieved in the project:

• Extending and applying the sectoral and macroeconomic models developed in the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project to identify and include in models current and prospective measures and mechanisms that may affect the operation of the EU ETS.

• Developing a high-quality, accessible information and data within the three Working Packages mentioned above, including advanced modelling employing CGE, energy and transport models as well as the knowledge and experience of CAKE experts.

• Providing a high-quality, easy accessible information and data on three Working Packages mentioned above to the European Commission, European and international public administration, policy makers, NGO’s, private entities and the public.

• Building broader and stronger international networks of experts to disseminate a high-quality information and data on evaluation of the EU ETS and to create an international political support for EU ETS and other carbon pricing mechanisms.

• Improving environmental awareness of the public through wide dissemination of high-quality information and data developed during the project implementation.

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Polityka Prywatności.