Invitation to the conference ‘Challenges of the economic transformation in the perspective of achieving the climate neutrality by 2050’
We would like to invite you to conference entitled “Challenges of the economic transformation in the perspective of achieving climate neutrality by 2050”, which KOBiZE / IOŚ-PIB organize as a part of the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project.
The conference will take place in Warsaw on November 22, 2019 (Friday). The purpose of the conference is to initiate a discussion on transformation challenges in the context of achieving climate neutrality objective by 2050. During the conference as an introductory element to the discussion would be i.e. presentation of the results of analytical analyses carried out by the Center for Climate and Energy Analysis (CAKE), as well as other analytical works prepared in this regards of implementing Poland’s climate and energy decisions.
Registration for the conference: link.
Agenda is available here: LIFE_CAKE_agenda_debata_22.11.2019_final_en
Participation in the conference is free of charge. The number of places is limited. Confirmation of participation will be sent to you by separate e-mail.
General information clause: General information clause LIFE_ENG
Nowadays, we are in the decisive phase of the climate and energy debate on the future taking into account the solutions proposed both at the global level at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – in the form of actions aimed at implementing the provisions of the Paris Agreement, as well as at the time when there is an opportunity to assess the European Union plans presented in the publication of the European Commission “A clean planet for All” – concerning the european strategic long-term vision of a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate-neutral economy, which sets out the key elements necessary to achieve the objectives of climate neutral economy by 2050 .
Challenging and very dynamic international and European negotiations in the field of climate and energy policy require thorough analysis of strategic documents and draft legal acts. A climate neutral economy or achieving ‘net – zero emissions’ means a significant change in the entire EU economy, where fossil fuels and other sources of emissions are gradually eliminated. The concept of ‘net zero’ emissivity is based on the principle that every ton of CO2 emitted must be accompanied by a ton of CO2 removed from the atmosphere. This applies not only to the energy sector, but to all sectors of the economy, including the transport sector, which accounts for around one third of the final energy consumption in the EU. Furthermore, the most commonly used transport technologies are based on the burning of fossil fuels, and current policies and measures by 2050 will only change this to a limited extent.
The current discussion on issues related to the economic transformation in Europe shows the importance of preparation of analyzes and studies, which may constitute a basis for decision-making process. In order to be able to reliably assess and actively participate in the formation the available proposals on achieving climate neutrality, appropriate analytical tools are needed, which would allow for analysis of international proposals, as well for preparation of a country climate and energy solutions. The analyzes obtained under the CAKE project constitute a good starting point for the current debate on the future of polish and European energy policy and the transformation needs in relation to various sectors. Therefore, we propose to present at our conference the results of our recent analyses obtained under the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project.
- The first analysis was developed on the basis of a linear model optimizing the scope of the demand for electricity and heat in EU28 called MEESA entitled ‘Scenarios for the low-carbon energy sector for Poland and the EU until 2050’.
- The second analysis was developed on the basis of TR3E model (Transport European Emission Economic Model) model entitled ‘CO2 emissions reduction potential in transport sector until in Poland and the EU until 2050 ‘.
The results of the analyzes and other studies presented by CAKE presented at the conference are to be the basis for strategic decisions, including regarding the direction of changes in both the energy sector and changes in the transport sector in Poland and the EU. The analyzes presented by CAKE serve a broader view of the transformation challenges posed in the EU and consider various scenarios for deep reduction of greenhouse gas emissions which are going to determine directions and assess the effects of adopted solutions.