
14 03 2018

Presentation of information about the LIFE...

During the second day of stay in Poland, Xie Zhenhua, China’s Special Representative on Climate Change, the meeting at the National Centre for Emissions Management (KOBiZE) was held with the […]

19 02 2018

Meeting with WWF concerning the exchange...

On February 19, 2018 a meeting between IOŚ-PIB and WWF Polska/InE took place. During the meeting, experiences related to the implementation of projects under the LIFE funding was exchanged, the possible scope […]

29 01 2018

International workshops on the EU strategy...

29.01.2018, workshops on the long-term climate strategy of the European Union in Częstochowa were held.   Paweł Sałek, deputy Minister of Environment, the Polish Government Plenipotery for Climate Policy was […]

20 10 2017

Official launch of projects from the...

On 19-20 October 2017, the representatives of the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project team took part in the Kick-off meeting LIFE16, which was organized by the European Commission for all […]

27 07 2017

Signing co-financing agreement for the LIFE...

On 27 July 2017, an agreement was signed in Warsaw between the Institute of Environmental Protection – the National Research Institute and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water […]

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