
20 09 2024

Workshop with JRC in Seville

CAKE participated in a bilateral workshop hosted by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Seville on September 17-18, 2023. Discussions focused on advancing energy, climate, and economic modelling. The workshop […]

10 09 2024

Robert Jeszke CAKE CEO was appointed...

We are pleased to announce that Robert Jeszke, CAKE CEO was appointed on 6th September 2024 by Paulina Henning-Kloska, Minister of Climate and Environment as the Deputy Director for Emissions […]

03 07 2024

CAKE at PIK Potsdam and Carbon...

On July 3rd, 2024 Robert Jeszke, CEO of CAKE, participated in a closed-door workshop organised by PIK – Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Carbon Gap. The event brought […]

27 06 2024

CAKE in the Czech Embassy

On 27th June 2024, Robert Jeszke, CAKE CEO, took part in an expert debate on EU climate policy and the energy transition entitled “Next-Gen Energy and Green Transition: Sustainable Future […]

18 06 2024

CAKE i LIFE VIIEW 2050 at...

On June 18th, 2024 Jakub Boratyński, our CAKE modelling expert presented the latest outcomes of our work and the LIFE VIIEW 2050 project at the European University Institute Robert Schuman […]

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