
18 05 2022

CAKE on CBAM Global Townhall 2022

On May 18, 2022, Izabela Tobiasz, a modeling expert at the Center for Climate and Energy Analysis, took part in a meeting organized by ECST entitled CBAM Global Townhall 2022. […]

13 05 2022

Robert Jeszke’s expert lecture in Leuven

On the 13th May 2022, Robert Jeszke, CEO of the Center for Climate and Energy Analysis gave an expert lecture focused on the coal phase out and energy transition challenge at […]

06 05 2022

New CAKE working paper concerning “Just...

CAKE published working paper titled: How to compute the cost for workers within the “Just Transition” to a low-carbon future?   WORKING PAPER:   In this paper CAKE proposes a novel […]

04 05 2022

CAKE at Florence EU ETS conference

On May 4, 2022, Robert Jeszke, head of the Center for Climate and Energy Analysis (CAKE), took part in the EU ETS conference in Florence concerning EU ETS. The meeting […]

26 04 2022

How the green paradox and climate...

A commitment by the G7+EU member nations to cut oil demand in the next two decades would incentivise global producers to flood the market with cheap oil and cut financing […]

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