LIFE Climate CAKE PL webinar: European...
We would like to invite you to the LIFE Climate CAKE PL & Permanent Representation of Poland to the EU webinar on European Green Deal 2050 – Challenges of transformation, […]
MoreANALYSIS: European Green Deal impact on...
We are pleased to present the results of our new analysis prepared as part of the LIFE Climate CAKE PL project entitled “The European Green Deal impact on the GHG’s […]
MoreFourth LIFE Climate CAKE PL Steering...
On the 7 of February 2020 r. fourth Steering Committee and Working Group meeting of LIFE Climate CAKE PL project was held at KOBiZE’s office. Representatives of public governmental […]
MoreClimate Change Conference COP25 in Madrid
The IOŚ-PIB/KOBiZE/ CAKE had the opportunity to actively participate in the global climate event of the COP 25 Conference, the 25th session of the Conference of the Parties to the […]
MoreSummary of the conference and discussion...
Summary of the conference entitled “Challenges of the economic transformation in the perspective of achieving climate neutrality by 2050” Mr. Robert Jeszke (LIFE Climate CAKE […]